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Toxins present in the gastrointestinal tract are absorbed into the blood and circulated throughout the body. This condition is called toxemia, which is the basic cause of repeated infections, hypertension, and certain other circulatory conditions.

This includes repeated attacks of skin disorders such as urticaria, rashes, herpes, eczema, acne, scabies, leukoderma, chronic itching, or hives. In such conditions, along with internal medication, the elimination of the toxins and purification of the blood is necessary. Rakta moksha is also indicated for cases of enlarged liver, spleen, and gout. Pitta is produced from the disintegrated red blood cells in the liver.

So pitta and blood have a very close relationship. An increase in pitta may go into the blood causing toxicity, and thus many pitta-genic disorders. Extracting a small amount of blood from a vein relieves the tension created by the pitta-genic toxins in the blood.

Leeches have been used as an alternative to bloodletting. Bloodletting also stimulates the spleen to produce anti-toxic substances that help to stimulate the immune system.

Toxins are neutralized, enabling radical cures in many blood-borne disorders. Certain substances such as sugar, salt, yogurt, sour-tasting foods, and alcohol are toxic to the blood. In certain blood disorders, these substances should be avoided to keep the blood pure.